Orange Polska Q3 Profits Soar, Maintains Full-Year Guidance

Orange's Polish unit maintains guidance as it delivers Q3 profit
Orange's Polish unit maintains guidance as it delivers Q3 profit

In the competitive world of telecommunications, Orange Polska stands strong as it reported robust financial results for the third quarter of the year. Despite some challenges in the market, the company remains steadfast in its commitment to delivering value to its shareholders. Here's a breakdown of their recent performance:

Q3 Profit Surge

Orange Polska proudly declared a remarkable 23% increase in its net profit during the third quarter. The figures show a net profit of 237 million zlotys, equivalent to approximately $56.43 million in USD. This surge in profit surpassed market expectations, reflecting the company's resilience in challenging economic conditions and amid fierce competition.

Revenue and EBITDAaL

While revenue in the third quarter decreased by 3% to 3.12 billion zlotys, it's important to note that the core metric for telecom companies, Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization after Leases (EBITDAaL), rose by 2.3% to reach 841 million zlotys. This financial performance demonstrates Orange Polska's ability to adapt and thrive in a competitive market.

Strong Leadership

Orange Polska attributes these impressive results to the leadership of its CEO, Liudmila Climoc. In a statement, she highlighted the "resilience of core telecom services to a difficult macro environment and intense competition." Furthermore, she noted that customer net additions in all key services outpaced the previous quarter, and average revenue per offer (ARPO) continued to grow at a solid rate of 3-4% year-on-year.

ICT Business Growth

The company's performance in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector was strong in the first half of the year. However, the third quarter saw a slight slowdown due to a decreased demand in the market. Orange Polska remains agile and is prepared to adapt to market changes swiftly.

5G Expansion

In addition to the financial results, Orange Polska made a significant announcement about obtaining a 5G C-band license. The company views this as a milestone that opens doors to new service opportunities for its customers and enhances the capacity of its mobile networks. This development is not only beneficial for Orange Polska but is also considered a vital contributor to the growth of Poland's GDP, as it accelerates digitization.

Future Investments

Looking ahead, Orange Polska plans to focus on investing in network development to provide its customers with the enhanced 5G service as quickly as possible. This strategic move aligns with the company's commitment to delivering top-notch telecom services and staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

In summary, Orange Polska's Q3 financial results, coupled with their 5G expansion plans, reflect the company's resilience and commitment to offering high-quality services in a competitive market. They remain on track to meet their full-year guidance, a testament to their strong leadership and adaptability in the evolving telecom landscape. Orange Polska is poised to continue contributing significantly to the Polish economy and improving the digital landscape for its customers.


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